With the recent exposure of the RAF’s Recruitment requirements of favouring women and ethnic minorities over white men. It leads us to question and wonder how many other organisations use the same approach in their own recruitment process.
There used to be a time when questions on an application form had to be answered, few people challenged it for relevance of suitability for the role such as marital status, ethnicity, age etc…Now you can choose not to answer, or they no longer appear on the form.
Are large employers so focused on being a fair employer on diversity, they overlook the most suitable people for the role?
Recruiters or business owners can side-step the real reasons with other plausible reasons of rejecting suitable applicants if they have an unconscious bias of their ideal candidate.
The skills and ability-based tests recruitment process seem to be growing, but are they implemented in enough companies?
It is clear that skills, attitude and abilities need to outweigh other factors such as gender, ethnicity etc, to grow the right team effectively and efficiently. If you don’t have an honest and open matrix of qualifying applicants from applying, to final interviews, then you could be vulnerable to making opinion based decisions or discrimination if they are under a protected characteristics category.
If you want more advice on recruitment strategy or process please get in touch with Lisa Cessford via our Contact Page
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